Light Tech

A Network of Light Tech Centres

What is LightTech? “Light-carbon-footprint Technology” (LightTech) i.e. renewable energy, low greenhouse emission & sustainable systems technology that has a lighter, cleaner impact on the earth’s environment.

Our proposed LightTech Centres (the first such centre to be based in Adelaide) will showcase Australian innovation, ingenuity, and the economic benefits of making the transition to lighter, cleaner energy sources and new generational manufacturing processes to better cater to the changing climate in consumer demand. This will positively facilitate the future structure of the global economy by showing what can be done now.

Right Time, Right Place

Change is in the air

A number of factors have come together to create the right time to develop a global centre of excellence in light-carbon renewable and sustainable technologies.

Climate change is accepted as scientific fact, business is looking for ways to profit from the upheavals expected from the transition to low-carbon economies .Customers and voters want to secure the future of Planet Earth. To support this urgent mission governments are willing to fund the cost of change, and globalisation has delivered vast export markets.

Emerging economies are at a crossroads regarding their energy needs and infrastructure development, and renewable/sustainable technologies are especially important as they manage their resources.

There are vast “pools of funds” available for the right mix of innovative, infrastructure strengthening niche market ventures regarded as being of national strategic importance in sealing our nations future. “Aurora Australis” is “an idea whose time has come” in a world that is experiencing climate change as never before not just in the physical but also its economic and social reality.

leaf Read about our first proposed project.